Valukoja 8, Tallinn 11415

About the company

Rudus AS is one of the leading companies in Estonia for concrete and crushed granite.


Rudus is present where durable buildings and structures are erected. Rudus products are used in homes as well as industrial buildings, agricultural structures and infrastructure. Rudus offers the builder construction materials, services as well as advice on their best use. Rudus activities are based on responsible production, environmental friendliness and client wishes. Twenty years of experience enables offering builders highest quality with best prices.

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Since the year 1999 Rudus belongs to the worldwide leading group,CRH .

CRH (LSE: CRH, ISE: CRG, NYSE: CRH) is a leading global diversified building materials group, employing c.87,000 people at c.3,800 operating locations in 31 countries worldwide. With a market capitalisation of c.€27 billion (March 2017), CRH is the largest building materials company in North America and the second largest worldwide. The Group has leadership positions in Europe as well as established strategic positions in the emerging economic regions of Asia and South America. CRH is committed to improving the built environment through the delivery of superior materials and products for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, housing and commercial projects. A Fortune 500 company, CRH is a constituent member of the FTSE 100 index, the EURO STOXX 50 index and the ISEQ 20. CRH’s American Depositary Shares are listed on the NYSE.

Commitment to Human Rights – Tackling Modern Slavery

CRH is fully committed to human rights and supports the principles as set out in the articles of the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights and the international Labour Organisation (ILO) Core Labour Principles. As part of this commitment, CRH plc has published a Statement – Commitment to Human Rights – Tackling Modern Slavery in which it outlines its efforts to combat any abuse of human rights and the steps being taken to ensure slavery or human trafficking do not occur within its sphere of influence.

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Rudus is a reliable construction partner – our skills help create permanent, quality structures.